Hive members visited Otherworld Philadelphia, getting a tour of the space and their behind-the-scenes workshop.
For more info and to plan a visit, visit

Hive members visited Otherworld Philadelphia, getting a tour of the space and their behind-the-scenes workshop.
For more info and to plan a visit, visit
Join us for our monthly Saturday Open House on October 7th. We are participating in POST, Philadelphia Open Studios, and we will be open starting at noon. Drop on by some of our members will be working on projects and some will be ready to show visitors around the space. See you there!
Also Intro Electronics class is October 12th 7:30 PM See here for tickets to that class
Well, I’ll tell you.
Sunday June 12th from 12 noon to 4pm we will be opening the space to WPPM.
They will be cleaning and testing their sound consoles to be used at their low power FM station debuting later this summer.
If you want to come down and help, or just watch, PLEASE do so. WPPM is a part of PhillyCam.
PhillyCam, WPPM, and Hive76 all welcome and provide access to anyone with an interest.
There may be more than one session. Stay posted here for further updates.
I will be running (with LOTS of help) the G.O.T.A (Get on the Air) station at the PhilMont Mobile Radio Club Field Day event at:
Fort Washington State Park in Fort Washington, PA.
Again, this event is open to all! Lots of RF stuff will be happening. If at all curious, please come out and check out the festivities. Amateur radio. Amateur radio digital modes. Satellite communication. FOOD. SDR radio. Mesh networking and more.
Hope to see you at these events. …. — .–. . / – — / … . . / -.– — ..- / .- – / – …. . … . / . …- . -. – …
Time for a long overdue update on the building situation. As many of our regular open house visitors have noticed, 915 Spring Garden, the building where Hive76 has set up shop since its inception in 2009, has been shut down due to code violations after a small fire in another artist’s studio. It is an ongoing issue with the city and owners of the building to resolve, but meanwhile we have no access to the building, our space, or our tools, so open house is postponed.
In the meantime, Hive76 members have been working on new projects in our garages and home workshops, and are going to public events to stay involved in the community, such as PumpCon this weekend. Stay tuned to our mailing list, along with our IRC Channel, #hive76 on, where we will make announcements of these events. We encourage everyone to reach out via e-mail and in person at any events we’re attending.
Hive76 is currently working with the realty company to find out when the building can re-open. We’re also investigating other options, such as moving Hive76 to a new location within Philadelphia. Either way, we’ll try to keep you informed about Philadelphia’s Premiere Hackerspace.
This week we have a very special request for those planning to attend our Wednesday Open House event. One of our members has organized a clothing & toiletry drive to benefit those experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia. She works at Mary Howard Health Center—a local health center that provides primary care and social services to patients on the homeless continuum—which is hosting a summer clothing boutique this week, July 22-24. The boutique will offer an opportunity for individuals in need to “shop” (all items being FREE, of course!) for summer clothing, accessories, and personal care items.
They are looking for donations of the following needed items:
Any quantity of the above items would help them give to their patients in need this summer.
Please bring donations with you this Wednesday to our Open House event! Corrie (Hiver & Mary Howard HC employee) will be there and is happy to share more details about the event and the work that Mary Howard Health Center does within the homeless community in Philadelphia.
You can also drop off items at Mary Howard Health Center, located at the corner of 9th & Sansom Streets (entrance on Sansom).
Please feel free to contact Corrie with any inquiries (ctice_at_phmc_dot_org).
Corrie thanks you in advance for helping make this event a success!
On Thursday, April 23, our celebration of Philly Tech Week events continues as we open our doors for DIY Music Night (7pm-???). If you’re into music, making music, or making things that make music, you won’t want to miss it! If you’ve been to the space before, you’ll know that we run on a steady diet of tunes. And on Thursday, we’ll have all our audio and music-centric projects out in what is sure to be the noisest night of PTW. Come by and see the space, make some amplified noise, hang out, or share your own projects.
We’ll have guitars, amps, synthesizers, sequencers, oscilloscopes, speakers, fuzzboxes, tremolo pedals, signal generators, oscillators, speakers, drum machines, pickups, karaoke machines and probably alot more – all made at Hive76.
There will be snacks and beer.
We are thrilled to announce our Razorbots class August 10-17! Razorbots are small, simple R/C robots that wield razorblades against one another to pop their opponent’s balloon. They’re good fun even for the most seasoned roboticist and a great entry point for anybody who wants to learn about robotics, electronics, or DIY tech in general. Sign up here! Continue reading “Razorbots Class!”
When I saw this poster on the right in the lobby of our studio building I thought it looked neat, but it wasn’t until the mastermind Dave Kyu visited that Hive76 was convinced to participate in WriteSky. Well, he mostly convinced me, as I ended up as the only contributor, but I am glad that Hive76 was able to host the collaboration meeting with our fellow group, artists that work in 319 N 11th St, members of Grizzly Grizzly and Tiger Strikes Asteroid.
We met on one Wednesday open house to figure out exactly what message we would write over our neighborhood. I don’t have a lot of history collaborating with other artists, but after the experience I had using Dave’s process and the smart 319 Artists Mary Smull, Jacque Liu, Sarah Kate Burgess, and Jaime Alvarez, I am looking forward to my next collaboration. It was a pleasure brainstorming, discussing, and compromising to come up with what we think is the perfect sentiment to be written in the sky for a few minutes. What message is that?Ah, but ours and the two other collaborative groups’ messages are secret up until the actual writing. We want it to be a surprise.
If you can make it this Saturday, please come to The Eraserhood at 11:30am and look up. Weather permitting, you’ll see three wonderful messages written in vaporized canola oil over the Philadelphia skyline. It will be visible for about 15 miles, but the best view will be directly underneath. If you see the writing in the sky, tag it with #WriteSky and it will appear on the page:
Keep looking up!
All the previous Hive76 jams wrap together IN ONE JAM! JAM. Vintage video gaming, DIY music, and member projects.
When: Saturday April 12 from 2PM to 10PM
Where: Hive76
If you’re into music, making music, or making things that make music, you won’t want to miss this! If you’ve been to the space before, you’ll know that we run on a steady diet of tunes. And on Thursday, we’ll have all our audio and music-centric projects out in what is sure to be the loudest night of PTW. No RSVP necessary.
When: Thursday, April 17 from 6PM to 10PM
Where: Hive76